CEDARS Administrator Manual
CEDARS is provided as-is with no guarantee whatsoever and users agree to be held responsible for compliance with their local government/institutional regulations. All CEDARS installations should be reviewed with institutional information security authorities.
Software Installation
Minimum CPU requirements: 32GB Memory and 8 cores [t2.2xlarge on AWS]
In order to run, you will need two
files- The first .env file will be placed under the ROOT DIR
- The second the
file under theCEDARS/cedars
.sample.env files are available - please modify them with your settings and rename it to .env
bash CEDARS/ │ ├── .env ├── docker-compose.yml ├── cedars/ │ ├── .env │ ├── Dockerfile │ └── ...
: This file contains environment variables used by Docker Compose.CEDARS/cedars/.env
: This file contains environment variables specific to cedars application.docker-compose.yml
: The Docker Compose configuration file.cedars/Dockerfile
: The Dockerfile for building cedars app.
Detailed Requirements
Local Installation Requirement
Local installation is not recommended unless you want to modify the underlying codebase. It is recommended to use the Docker deployment method.
For example:
SECRET_KEY = \xcfR\xd9D\xaa\x06\x84S\x19\xc0\xdcA\t\xf7it
DB_HOST=localhost # change to DB_HOST=db if running docker container
PINES_API_URL=<> # if using PINES
RQ_DASHBOARD_URL=/rq # URL for dashboard to interact with redis queues
CEDARS is a flask web application and depends on the following software:
Python 3.9 - 3.11
You can install Python from the official website.
If you have multiple python versions installed, you can manage the environments using pyenv
Windows Setup Specification
On windows machines for development setups (not using docker) only python 3.9 is supported. If using windows, then installing python via WSL is recommended.
To install poetry, run pipx install poetry or follow the instructions.
Mongo 7.0 or later
For using Mongo, you have multiple options:
- You might use your own enterprise Mongo instance
- You can use a cloud-based service like MongoDB Atlas
- You can run a local instance of Mongo using Docker
- You can run a local instance of Mongo using the official installation
Similar to Mongo, you have multiple options to install MINIO
- You might use your own enterprise MINIO instance
- You can use a cloud-based service like MINIO
- You can run a local instance of MINIO using Docker
- You can run a local instance of MINIO using the official installation
Mac Fork Issue
On MacOS, if you see a issue with fork processes you will need to export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES
for running the rq
To manage long running processes such as upload, download, spacy labelling, PINES jobs etc.
Docker Requirement
This is the easiest way to run CEDARS and encapsulates all dependencies above.
If using docker on windows, it is recommended to install docker via WSL.
Install Docker and Docker Compose.
Please install docker compose v2 as the spec using deploy
which is not compatible with v1.
System Architecture
The CEDARS application runs on a web server and generates an online graphical user interface (GUI) using Flask. All data are stored in a MongoDB instance hosted separately. However, most CEDARS instances are dockerized in order to streamline the project setup process and ensure adequate compatibility of dependencies.
Once the instance is running, electronic health record (EHR) documents are imported and processed through the CEDARS natural language processing (NLP) pipeline. Additional document annotation with a PINES model is optional. A CEDARS annotation project can be set up entirely from the GUI, using the administrator panel. The existing annotations can be downloaded at any point from this interface.
Annotators can connect to the CEDARS app by accessing a web URL provided by the administrator. CEDARS performs the operations to pull selected documents from the database, process them and present them to the annotators. Data entered by users is processed by CEDARS and saved to the database. Multiple users can work on one CEDARS project at the same time. The application will automatically select individual patient records for each user. Record locking is implemented to prevent collisions and inconsistencies.
Installing CEDARS
To install CEDARS, please start by cloning the repository and installing the required dependencies. You can then run the app locally or using Docker.
- Clone the Repo:
git clone git@github.com:CEDARS-NLP/CEDARS.git
- Change directory:
- Initialize submodules:
git submodule init
- Download submodules:
git submodule update
git submodule update time out
If you are accessing git over http - take following steps
- update .gitmodules
in the root dir with
url = https://github.com/CEDARS-NLP/PINES.git
- Run: git submodule sync
- Run: git submodule update
Standalone CEDARS Python Package Installation
Make sure all the local requirements above are met. Then, you can install the package using Poetry:
$ cd cedars
$ poetry install # do not cd into cedars/app
$ poetry run python -m app.wsgi
Setting Up VS Code Debugger for Flask Application (OPTIONAL)
If you are a developer and wish to use a code debugger while working with CEDARS, then you can follow the steps below to setup a VS Code debugger.
1. Create a python virtual environment (preferably using [pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv?tab=readme-ov-file#installation)).
2. Create a profile in launch.json (VS Code) as defined in [this](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-flask#_run-the-app-in-the-debugger) article.
3. Set FLASK_APP variable to “app/wsgi.py” in the new launch.json you created.
4. Follow these [instructions](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/environments) to load the python virtual environment you created in step 1. into VS Code.
5. Select you new debugger profile in the debugger tab and run it.
Docker Deployment
The most straightforward way to complete a CEDARS project is via docker containers. This approach allows fast and reliable installation on prems or in the cloud with on-demand access to compute resources, including graphics processing unit (GPU). Inclusion of required dependencies in the containers mitigate the problems associated with version incompatibilities inherent to ad hoc builds. Docker images can be easily installed in air-gapped environment, which is sometimes an institutional requirement. A CEDARS docker deployment will include:
- CEDARS Flask web server
- MongoDB database service
- MINIO object storage service
- PINES NLP annotation service (optional)
Each component runs as a service encapsulated in a docker container. Those three elements a coordinated within a deployment.The PINES service requires a GPU for model training. This is optional for inference (i.e. annotating documents).
After cloning as described above, create required .env
files as mentioned here
After creating .env
files, run the following commands:
# if you do are not using GPU and want all the services to be hosted on docker
$ docker compose --profile cpu --profile selfhosted up --build -d
# if you are using a GPU
$ docker compose --profile gpu --profile selfhosted up --build -d
# if you want to use a native service such as AWS Document DB
$ docker compose --profile gpu up --build -d # gpu
$ docker compose --profile cpu up --build -d # cpu
Once all services are started - the app will be available here
AWS/Server Deployment
- Install docker: Ubuntu
Make sure you have docker compose v2 if you are running docker as sudo - please follow this stackoverflow link to run as a non-sudo
Install compose v2 using this link
For example to use AWS DocumentDB with tls you can create .env (under CEDARS/cedars) file like this
Project Execution
Determining clinical event dates with CEDARS is a simple, sequential process:
After generation of a CEDARS instance, EHR documents are uploaded, a keyword search query is generated and automatic NLP annotations are launched, following which manual data entry can begin. If known event dates exist, those can be imported before annotator work starts. Once all patient records have been annotated manually for clinical events, the dataset can be downloaded and used immediately in time-to-event analyses. Alternatively, estimated event dates can be obtained without the human review step if a PINES model of satisfactory accuracy was used to classify documents.
The package authors suggest that a random sample of patients be selected for manual review via independent means. If performance metrics are unsatisfactory, the search query can be modified and CEDARS annotations updated through the same process.
Setting Up a CEDARS Project and Users
The first step after running CEDARS is to set up a new project. This is done by the administrator through the GUI. The following steps are required:
1. At first login, the administrator will be prompted to register a new user. This user will be the administrator of the project.
2. The administrator will then fill in Project Details such as Project Name.
3. The administrator can also create new users who will only work on the Annotation Interface.
4. Administrator will provide the credentials to the annotators.
Electronic Health Record Corpus Upload
Keyword Search Query Design
The CEDARS search query incorporates the following wildcards:
"?": for one character, for example "r?d" would match "red" or "rod" but not "reed"
"*": for zero to any number of characters, for example "r*" would match "red", "rod", "reed", "rd", etc.
CEDARS also applies the following Boolean operators:
"AND": both conditions present "OR": either present present "!": negation, for example "!red" would only match sentences without the word "red"
Lastly, the "(" and ")" operators can be used to further develop logic within a query.
Search Query Implementation
Expected query will be a set of keywords separated by OR keyword.
Each expression separated by OR can have expressions combined by AND or NOT and the keywords can also contain wildcards.
Spacy Requirements:
- ! - negation
- Each dictionary in a list matches one token only
- A list matches all the dictionaries inside it (and condition)
- A list of list contains OR conditions
- [{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "abc*"}}] represents one token with regex match
- [{"LOWER": "dvt"}] matches case-insenstitive DVT
- [{"LEMMA": "embolus"}] matches the lemmatized version of embolus as well in text
- Split the query by OR
- Split each expression by AND
- Split each expression by NOT
- Split each expression by wildcard
- Convert each expression to a spacy pattern
- Combine the patterns
- Return the combined pattern
Source code in cedars/app/nlpprocessor.py
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
Natural Language Processing Annotations
The process of automatically parsing clinical documents before presentation to an annotator is performed in three steps:
1. NLP annotation via the SpaCy traditional NLP pipeline: In this step, sentence boundaries, lemmas and negation status are characterized.
Negation Detection
This function takes a spacy token and determines if it has been negated in the sentence.
This is not an apple.
In the above sentence, the token apple is negated.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in cedars/app/nlpprocessor.py
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 |
2. Keyword query matching: only documents with at least one sentence matching the search query are retained. Sentences from documents without a matched will be marked as reviewed. Patients with no remaining sentences/documents will be considered not to have sustained the event of interest and will not be reviewed manually.
Process Query Matching
This function takes a medical note and a regex query as input and annotates the relevant sections of the text.
Source code in cedars/app/nlpprocessor.py
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
3. Transformer model labelling (optional): individual documents are labelled for their probability (p) of occurring at or after a clinical event. This last step is facultative and offers the possibility of further narrowing the scope of material to be reviewed manually, further improving efficiency. Documents with a p inferior to the predetermined threshold and their associated sentences are marked as reviewed. Patients with no remaining sentences/documents will be considered not to have sustained the event of interest and will not be reviewed manually.
PINES predictions
Get prediction from endpoint. Text goes in the POST request.
Source code in cedars/app/db.py
1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 |
Save PINES predictions
Predict and save the predictions for the given text_ids.
Source code in cedars/app/db.py
1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 |
Event Pre-Loading
Sometimes a cohort of patients will already have been assessed with other methods and CEDARS is used as a redundant method to pick up any previously missed events. In this use case, a list of known clinical events with their dates will exist. This information can be loaded on CEDARS as a "starting point", so as to avoid re-discovering already documented events.
Manual Assessment for Clinical Events
The process by which human abstractors annotate patient records for events is described in the End User Manual. This step can be skipped altogether if a PINES model was used to classify documents. An estimated event date will be generated by PINES. Transformer models often exhibit sufficient performance to be used without individual record review, but an audit step as detailed below is strongly advised to confirm satisfactory sensitivity, specifcity and event time estimation.
Error Handling and Queues
All the jobs are processed at a patient level. For each patient, a job is submitted to a rq. If a job fails, it is retried 3 times before moving it a failed queue.
Queue Operations
docker ps
- to see list of all docker containsdocker exec -it <any-worker-docker-container-id> bash
export REDIS_HOST=redis
- the service name in nginx/nginx.confrq info
(status)rq requeue --queue cedars -a
(requeue all failed jobs)
Launch a task and add it to Mongo if it doesn't already exist.
TODO: insert only one
Source code in cedars/app/db.py
1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 |
Dataset Download
Once there are no patient records left to review, event data can be downloaded from the database via the GUI Detailed information is provided including clinical event dates, individual annotator contribution and review times. If a PINES model was used but no manual annotations were applied, estimated event dates can be used in a time-to-event analysis instead of manual entry.
Download Completed Annotations
This generates a CSV file with the following specifications: 1. Find all patients in the PATIENTS database, these patients become a single row in the CSV file. 2. For each patient - a. list the number of total notes in the database b. list the number of reviewed notes c. list the number of total sentences from annotations d. list the number of reviewed sentences e. list all sentences as a list of strings f. add event date from the annotations for each patient g. add the first and last note date for each patient 3. Convert all columns to proper datatypes
Source code in cedars/app/ops.py
998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 |
CEDARS is by definition semi-automated, and depending on the specific use case and search query some events might be missed. This problem should be quantified by means of a systematic, old-fashion review of randomly selected patients. Typically, at least 200 patients would be selected and their corpora reviewed manually for events. Alternatively, a different method (e.g. billing codes) could be used. This audit dataset should be overlapped with the CEDARS event table to estimate sensitivity of the search query in the cohort at large. If this parameter falls below the previously established minimum acceptable value, the search query scope should be broadened, followed by a database reset, uploading of previously identified events and a new human annotation pass, followed by a repeat audit.
Project Termination
Once all events have been tallied and the audit results are satisfactory, if desired the CEDARS project database can be deleted from the MongoDB database. This is an irreversible operation.
In future, there will be way to archive CEDARS projects, but this feature is not yet available.
- Unable to install
- downgrade python version < 3.12
Terminate the Project
Reset the database to the initial state.
Source code in cedars/app/db.py
1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 |